Security, wallets and private keys

Blockchain can be somewhat complicated and at first, however, the seemingly counterintuitive way of functioning is exactly what contributes to its security and utility. 

You can create new accounts(addresses) in a non-custodial web wallet like Metamask but each one is protected by a unique private key. Metamask is unlocked using a designated password but if you forget this or lose access to the device the only way to recover this is using your private key.

Your Private key is generated from your 12-word passphrase or recovery phrase, these are 12 words separated by spaces and are shown to you when you create the account. You can also view them as long as you are signed in from within Metamask by navigating to: 

“Settings” → “Security” and selecting “Reveal Secret Recovery Phrase”.

It is extremely important to keep a note of this 12-word phrase somewhere safe and secure. It would be best if it was only able to be accessed offline. From a security perspective, it is not recommended that you keep them in emails, dropbox, a notes app or anything similar.

In the event that the Owner’s wallet is lost, the only recourse would be to re-create the Token based on the snapshot at that current point in time. Agents will still be able to operate however the only way to Add and Revoke Agency would be via the Owner’s Wallet.

We can re-create a token in the event that this happens but it will incur additional fees.

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