Functions and attributes available on the ERC3643

The documentation below outlines the various pieces of information available on the blockchain when creating a token or, an ONCHAINID. 

Token Smart Contract:

  1. Token Symbol: The symbol or abbreviation that represents the token, e.g., "BTC" for Bitcoin.
  2. Decimals: The number of decimal places for the token. This determines the precision of the token's value.
  3. Balance per Wallet: The balance of the token held by each individual wallet address.
  4. Wallet Addresses with Allowance: Wallet addresses that have granted permission (allowance) to the token smart contract to spend tokens on their behalf.
  5. Total Supply: The total number of tokens in circulation for the token smart contract.
  6. Token ONCHAINID Address: The address of the ONCHAINID smart contract associated with the token.
  7. Version of the ERC-3643: The version of the ERC-3643 standard deployed for the token. In this case, V3 is being used, with a plan to upgrade to V4.
  8. Addresses with Frozen Tokens: Addresses where all tokens are frozen and cannot be transferred.
  9. Addresses with Partially Frozen Tokens: Addresses where only a portion of the tokens is frozen.
  10. Token Status: Indicates whether the token is currently "on pause" (paused, not transferrable) or "unpause" (active and transferrable).
  11. Identity Registry Smart Contract Address: The address of the smart contract responsible for managing the identity of users holding the token.
  12. Compliance Smart Contract Address: The address of the smart contract responsible for enforcing compliance rules related to the token.
  13. Ownership Wallet Address: The wallet address that has ownership control over the token smart contract.
  14. Wallet Addresses Belonging to Agents: Wallet addresses associated with agents or intermediaries involved in managing the token.

Identity Registry Smart Contract:

  1. Claim Topic Registry Smart Contract Address: The address of the smart contract responsible for managing claim topics (e.g., KYC claims) associated with the identity registry.
  2. Trusted Issuer Registry Smart Contract Address: The address of the smart contract responsible for registering trusted issuers who can issue claims related to identity.
  3. Agrees of the Identity Registry Storage Smart Contract: This seems to be a typo or incomplete information. It might be referring to an agreement or authorization related to the identity registry storage smart contract.
  4. Ownership Wallet Address: The wallet address that has ownership control over the identity registry smart contract.

Identity Registry Storage Smart Contract:

  1. Addresses of All Identity Registry Smart Contracts: Lists the addresses of all identity registry smart contracts using this specific identity registry storage.
  2. Ownership Wallet Address: The wallet address that has ownership control over the identity registry storage smart contract. In this case, it mentions Tokeny as the current owner.

Claim Topics Registry Smart Contract:

  1. All Needed Claim Topic Registries: Lists all the claim topic registries required, such as KYC claims for specific tokens.
  2. Ownership Wallet Address: The wallet address that has ownership control over the claim topics registry smart contract.

Trusted Issuer Registry Smart Contract:

  1. Authorized Claim Issuer Wallet Addresses: Lists wallet addresses of all the authorized claim issuers who can issue claims.
  2. Claims Authorized for Each Issuer: For each authorized claim issuer, it specifies the list of claims they are authorized to issue.
  3. Reverse Lookup: It mentions the ability to find all trusted claim issuer wallet addresses for a specific claim.
  4. Ownership Wallet Address: The wallet address that has ownership control over the trusted issuer registry smart contract.

Compliance Smart Contracts:

  1. Token Smart Contract Address: The address of the token smart contract linked to the compliance smart contracts.
  2. All Compliance Smart Contract Addresses: Lists all the addresses of compliance smart contracts linked to the root compliance smart contract for the token.
  3. Mapping for Specific Module: Provides a mapping to determine if a specific module smart contract is linked to the token's root compliance smart contract. This suggests that various compliance rules can be applied to different aspects of the token.

ONCHAINID Smart Contract:

  1. Nonce for Execute/Approve Function: The nonce used in the execute/approve function of the ONCHAINID smart contract.
  2. Key Listen: It's not explicitly described, but it may relate to a key or event monitoring mechanism.
  3. Hash of Wallet Address Linked to ONCHAINID: The hash of the wallet address associated with a specific ONCHAINID.
  4. Wallet Address for Specific Key: The wallet address corresponding to a specific key in the ONCHAINID contract.
  5. Purpose and Type for Specific Key: Specifies the purpose (e.g., management, action, claim) and type (e.g., ECDSA) corresponding to a specific key in the ONCHAINID.
  6. Reverse Lookup for Purpose: The ability to retrieve all keys corresponding to a specific purpose.
  7. Payload of Transactions: Contains all the data related to a transaction, presumably linked to ONCHAINID.
  8. ClaimID Information: For each claimID, it provides the hashes for the wallet addresses of the claim issuer and claim topic.

These details describe the extensive information and relationships within a blockchain ecosystem involving tokens, identity, compliance, and ONCHAINIDs. The information can be crucial for managing and auditing token-based systems with identity and compliance requirements.

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