Billboard offers

At the secondary market, you can see a list of offers posted on the billboard by your investors, once qualified investors will be able to trade with each other as long as they are qualified and meet the required conditions, token balance, payment etc.

By selecting the "eye' symbol you can see a more detailed breakdown of a particular offer.

You can enable the Billboard at the Billboard settings screen. It allows you to post offers or trades on Billboard.  If enabled these are visible to other investors. Investors post the number of tokens they wish to sell and an asking price. If deemed favourable another investor can accept the trade.

As an Issuer, at the Billboard settings screen, you can set the conditions for the secondary market of your token.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 05.12.23

The Tradeable checkbox will enable trading for the token.

Below that, you can choose from a variety of currencies, depending on what you have configured for the offering, and, the time frame that offers remain active.

The tokens offered are then moved to the buyerโ€™s wallet upon delivery of the appropriate currency.


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