Multi-Issuers: How do I modify the default KYC claim so it can be reused for future token deployments? (1/2)
Each time you deploy a new token, a KYC claim named "Default KYC Claim" with a unique Claim Topic ID is pre-selected in the Identity Eligibility section of the token settings. Each unique Claim Topic ID generates a new Identity Registry Storage.
In practice, this means that because qualification criteria vary at the token level by design, a unique Claim Topic ID and its associated Identity Registry Storage cannot inherently support reusing the Qualification module.
To allow multiple tokens to share the same Qualification module (i.e., the same Identity Registry Storage), they must be assigned the same Claim Topic ID.
Use Case Overview
In this article, we will explore the following scenario:
You are a multi-issuer planning to deploy multiple tokens and want some or all of them to share the same Qualification module and Identity Registry Storage.
Below, we’ll guide you through the process of deploying your first token and creating a new KYC claim, ensuring it can be reused for future token deployments.
- After you provided all the required token details, click on 'Save and continue'.
- Your token info are now saved. Now head to 'Identity eligibility'.
- We will now create a new claim that our current and future tokens will share. **Note:** You can either create a new claim and delete the default one afterwards or simply edit the "Default KYC Claim"—both approaches yield the same result. We've chosen to demonstrate the creation of a new claim, as it is a slightly more complex process.
- Each time you deploy a new token, a **Default KYC claim** is automatically assigned to it with a **unique topic ID**. To ensure that multiple tokens share the same **Qualification module** (i.e., the same identity registry storage), they must have the **same topic ID** for the claim.
- Click on "Create new claim".
- Name your new claim according to your preference.
- Enter a brief and practical description of the claim.
- Click on "Add claim".
- Your new claim has been successfully created.
- Now we will delete the "Default KYC claim".
- Lastly, click on "Yes, remove claim".
- The claim is now ready to be linked to the token.
- You can set up eligible jurisdictions and supply rules if needed, save the token settings and continue later or proceed directly with token deployment.